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Website Worth Calculator


Website Appraisal

Calculation a website worth is not an easy task and there is no way to calculate %100 correctly.
siteprice.org unique algorithm tries to estimate worth of web sites with gathering, collecting and analyzing data from several internet resources which are:

Google, Yahoo,Bing,
Alexa, Compete,
Whois servers,
Facebook,Twitter, Google+,

siteprice.org is a detailed website worth calculator and website appraisal tool which you can check any website worth except adult, gambling, ... related websites.
If you want to buy websites or sell websites, you probably need to make a market research.
Or maybe somebody asks you to buy your website and you'll need to find how much does your website worth?

siteprice.org tries to estimate the traffic of a website and calculates advertisement(like adsense) income of the website assuming that webmaster of the website creates 3 ads on each page.

You can always check your competitor's website worth and your websites. The most important factors for a website's worth are daily pageview and search engines visibility. If your website has lots of visitors then this means that your website has a big change for lots of ads click.

Domain age is another important factor because we believe that older domain names are going to gain more value.

Social media visibility is also another important factor because if a website is well known in social media like facebook and twitter, it will probably get more rank in future. Search engines started to consider social media popularity of a website in their rank calculations.