Website Worth API


Website Stats API, Website Traffic API

Currently not available for new customers

You can access data with using worth api.
Website worth and website stats api allows you to check a website/domain worth and get statistical information like website traffic, pagerank, search engine visibility, social media statistics, estimated visitors count and advertisement income and hosting provider. If you need more data and need special work contact with us. We'll be trying our best.

Website Worth API Usage<TYPE>&key=<KEY>&url=<URL>

All variables type, key and url are required.
  • type — There are 2 types of worth api request, Basic and Advanced. You can request just worth or detailed information.
    • type=1 - Basic worth api request will return just the estimated website worth of the requested domain.
    • type=2 - Advanced worth api request will return following website stats of the requested domain.
      [Estimated Website Worth], [Google Pagerank], [Facebook Likes Count], [Twitter Share Count], [Google+ Share Count], [Total External Backlink Count], [Daily Unique Visitors Count], [Daily Ads Revenue], [Google Index Count], [Yahoo Index Count], [Bing Index Count], [Alexa Rank] , [Hosting Provider]
  • key — your API key. You have to get an api key with filling the "Request API Key" form below.
  • url — The url that you want to get worth. Ex: (don't use http://, https:// and www.)

Sample Usage of Basic API:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Sample Usage of Advanced API:


        <?xml version="1.0"?>
Description of the Tags:
pr - Google Pagerank
fb - Facebook Count
tw - Twitter Share Count
gp - Google Plus
bl - Total Backlink Count
duvc - Daily Unique Visitor Count
dar - Daily Advertisement Revenue
gic - Google Index Count
yic - Yahoo Index Count
bic - Bing Index Count
ar - Alexa Rank
hp - Hosting Provider
dpvpv - Daily Pageview per Visitor

HTTP Response Status Codes

If there is no error api will return xml. If there is an error api will return one of the following codes with xml error tag.

Error Codes:
  • 201 - Missing Key
  • 202 - Invalid Key
  • 401 - Missing url
  • 402 - Invalid url
  • 403 - Missing or invalid type
  • 404 - Can't get worth of website. Try again!
  • 405 - Insufficient balance.
Error 404 - means that there is an unknown error(for example network error) and you can try to check immediately, mostly it will work.

If an url exists in our database you will get the result in several seconds, depending on your internet speed but mostly under 1 second. But if not exists API will immedately start for calculation and it will take 30-120 seconds to give result.

PHP Basic API Call:

$worthofwebsite= file_get_contents('');
echo "Website Worth: ".$worthofwebsite;

Asp.Net Basic API Call:

WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string worthofwebsite = wc.DownloadString("");

Basic API Price

1 api call : $ 0.001
1000 api call : $ 1

1 simultaneous call
Prices are not daily or monthly based. Which means that you can request as much as you want. 

Advanced API Price

1 api call : $ 0.005
1000 api call : $ 5

3 simultaneous call
Prices are not daily or monthly based. Which means that you can request as much as you want.

Payment Types

Payment are only taken with Paypal for now. After you make the payment we're going to send your API key. Please contact us if you need more request before make the payment.
10 $
50 $
100 $


Domain :
If you're using Chrome or Edge "View Page Source" for XML view.